Sunday 29 May 2011

A week behind me


 Jedna sam od onih, koji, kad im bude  upućen kompliment, odjednom ne znaju kud će s rukama, očima, nogama, ustima...Uglavnom, koliko god godi, ali nelagodan i blesav osjećaj kojeg izbjegnem brzim prelaskom na drugu temu...
Međutim, ovaj put ću pohvaliti samu sebe radi vrlo intenzivnog i uspješnog tjedna koji je iza mene. I neće mi biti neugodno! :)

1. Napravila sam plakat i brošuru za kolege iz komornog gudačkog orkestra. Za badave. To, dakle, daje još veću važnost ovoj stavci :)

2. Prevalila 450km (kao kofer, doduše, ali nema veze) u jednom danu do Virovitice i natrag, u pratnji svoje dvije učenice koje su tamo svirale na koncertu povodom 125 godišnjice njihove glazbene škole, da bih otkrila kako je Virovitica divan mali gradić, sa romantičnim parkovima u samom centru grada, koji okružuju muzej, odn. nekadašnji dvorac obitelji Pejačević.

3. pročitala dvije knjige o internet-marketingu:  S. Godin: Plemena i G. Vaynerchuk: Crush it! (malo me sram ovog posljednjeg naslova, ali što sad....od nečega se treba i živjeti, dok prvu knjigu toplo preporučam)

4. poslala mail svom voditelju seminara iz poduzetništva i napisala da su mu primjeri reklamiranja koje nam je pokazao bili grozni. Odgovorio je ljubazno i duboko se ispričao. I dalje misli kako su primjeri sasvim u redu, ali sam dobila barem kakvu-takvu satisfakciju :)

5. I najvažnije: uspjela ući u 15 odabranih (od 90) fotografa, koji imaju čast sudjelovati na 7-dnevnom foto boot-campu Fotosofia u Tuheljskim toplicama, pod vodstvom Damira Hoyke! Jeeeeeeeeejjjjjj!!!!!!!!!

Bilo je tu još nekih minornih sitnica, ali o njima u sljedećem postu! Huh, koji tjedan! :)


I am one of those who, being given a compliment, suddenly don't know what to do with their hands, eyes, legs, mouth...As much as it's flattering, it's actually an awkward and silly feeling, which I am usully resolving by rapidly changing the subject :)

But this time I am going to praise myself because of the very successful week behind me! And I'm not going to feel embarassed! :)

1.  I made a concert poster for my colleagues from the strings chamber orchestra. Completely free. That makes it even more bigger ;))

2.  I made 450km in one day, to Virovitica and back. Two of my students played on the concert for the 125th anniversary of their music school. I found out that this little town is quite charming with it's green parks in the centre, surrounding museum, former palace of Pejačević family.

3. I read two books on internet marketing: S. Godin: Tribes and G. Vaynerchuk: Crush it! Well, I am not proud of the last one, but well, one's gotta earn something too! ;) I wormly recommend the first one, though..

4. I sent an email to my lecturer from the enterpreneurship seminar saying that the examples of successful marketing he gave us last time were terrible. He wrote back very kindly, deeply appologized, but still thought that exeples were perfectely fine. Well, at least, I got some satisfaction ;)

5. and the most important: I've been accepted to attend a photo boot camp Fotosofia!! There was a contest for it, and I made it to the first 15 out of 90, who will have the honour to participate! Oh yes, by the way, it's free!! :)

Huh, what a week! :)

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