Monday, 30 May 2011

Nobility fair


Nakon kišovite i iznimno hladne subote zaa ovo doba godine, osvanulo nedjeljno jutro, pa se svi uputismo na Stari grad Dubovac na otvorenje već tradicionalnog  Sajma vlastelinstva. Tek  kilometar od  kuće i eto me u srednjem vijeku, među Turcima, vitezovima, damama...! Posvemašnja sreća...


After rainy and unusually cold Saturday for this time of the year, Sunday mornig brought us sun and an opening of the Seigniory fair in the  Old Castle of Dubovac. It took only a kilometer to bring me to the Middle Ages, among Turks (who tried to conquer the castle in 16th cet), knights, ladies and nobleman...! I was blissfully happy...

Sunday, 29 May 2011

A week behind me


 Jedna sam od onih, koji, kad im bude  upućen kompliment, odjednom ne znaju kud će s rukama, očima, nogama, ustima...Uglavnom, koliko god godi, ali nelagodan i blesav osjećaj kojeg izbjegnem brzim prelaskom na drugu temu...
Međutim, ovaj put ću pohvaliti samu sebe radi vrlo intenzivnog i uspješnog tjedna koji je iza mene. I neće mi biti neugodno! :)

1. Napravila sam plakat i brošuru za kolege iz komornog gudačkog orkestra. Za badave. To, dakle, daje još veću važnost ovoj stavci :)

2. Prevalila 450km (kao kofer, doduše, ali nema veze) u jednom danu do Virovitice i natrag, u pratnji svoje dvije učenice koje su tamo svirale na koncertu povodom 125 godišnjice njihove glazbene škole, da bih otkrila kako je Virovitica divan mali gradić, sa romantičnim parkovima u samom centru grada, koji okružuju muzej, odn. nekadašnji dvorac obitelji Pejačević.

3. pročitala dvije knjige o internet-marketingu:  S. Godin: Plemena i G. Vaynerchuk: Crush it! (malo me sram ovog posljednjeg naslova, ali što sad....od nečega se treba i živjeti, dok prvu knjigu toplo preporučam)

4. poslala mail svom voditelju seminara iz poduzetništva i napisala da su mu primjeri reklamiranja koje nam je pokazao bili grozni. Odgovorio je ljubazno i duboko se ispričao. I dalje misli kako su primjeri sasvim u redu, ali sam dobila barem kakvu-takvu satisfakciju :)

5. I najvažnije: uspjela ući u 15 odabranih (od 90) fotografa, koji imaju čast sudjelovati na 7-dnevnom foto boot-campu Fotosofia u Tuheljskim toplicama, pod vodstvom Damira Hoyke! Jeeeeeeeeejjjjjj!!!!!!!!!

Bilo je tu još nekih minornih sitnica, ali o njima u sljedećem postu! Huh, koji tjedan! :)


I am one of those who, being given a compliment, suddenly don't know what to do with their hands, eyes, legs, mouth...As much as it's flattering, it's actually an awkward and silly feeling, which I am usully resolving by rapidly changing the subject :)

But this time I am going to praise myself because of the very successful week behind me! And I'm not going to feel embarassed! :)

1.  I made a concert poster for my colleagues from the strings chamber orchestra. Completely free. That makes it even more bigger ;))

2.  I made 450km in one day, to Virovitica and back. Two of my students played on the concert for the 125th anniversary of their music school. I found out that this little town is quite charming with it's green parks in the centre, surrounding museum, former palace of Pejačević family.

3. I read two books on internet marketing: S. Godin: Tribes and G. Vaynerchuk: Crush it! Well, I am not proud of the last one, but well, one's gotta earn something too! ;) I wormly recommend the first one, though..

4. I sent an email to my lecturer from the enterpreneurship seminar saying that the examples of successful marketing he gave us last time were terrible. He wrote back very kindly, deeply appologized, but still thought that exeples were perfectely fine. Well, at least, I got some satisfaction ;)

5. and the most important: I've been accepted to attend a photo boot camp Fotosofia!! There was a contest for it, and I made it to the first 15 out of 90, who will have the honour to participate! Oh yes, by the way, it's free!! :)

Huh, what a week! :)

Wednesday, 25 May 2011

Unbearable lightness of being

Nakon plutanja u ništavilu, ovih dana sam taaaako zaposlena i produktivna i SUPER MI JE! :) Dobar osjećaj kad ti zdravo nedostaje ona nepodnošljiva lakoća postojanja i kad ju moraš isplanirati, jer sad za nju nemaš vremena ;)


After drifting in emptiness, I've been sooo busy these days and I smiply LOVE IT! It  feels good to miss that unbearable lightness of being and when you actually have to plan it, because, at the moment, you simply have no time to enjoy it !:)

Tuesday, 24 May 2011

Verde que te quiero verde


Nakon vrlo zamornog i mučnog subotnjeg seminara iz poduzetništva, koji je dotaknuo neka moralno-etička pitanja i "spleo moja crijeva u pletenice", kako se to  slikovito izrazio jedan moj prijatelj, moj masakrirani želudac se konačno mogao odmoriti uz zeleni roštilj na Mrežnici, koji je okupio sva godišta, od beba do baba...Čak nam niti žestoki prolom oblaka nije pokvario zabavu :)


After very exhausting enterpreneurship seminar this Saturday, which also touched  some very delicate moral and ethical issues and "made braids from my intestines", as one of my friends picturesquely put it, my massacred bowel could finally have some rest on a green barbecue by the river. It gathered all ages, from babies to grannies.. Even the strong spring shower couldn't ruin the party :)

Sunday, 15 May 2011

Who is Storyteller?


Tko je Pripovjedač?

Dajući ovom blogu i mom on-line dućanu naziv, odabrala sam ime bez previše razmišljanja o njegovom značenju. Pripovjedač. Činilo mi se cool. Priznajem, priče su oduvijek činile bitan dio mog djetinjstva. Kasnije, postale su čak i moj stvaralački credo i deviza. Nije bitno da li je uradak tehnički savršen (iako mora zadovoljavati kriterije umješnosti). Bitniji dio je onaj koji priča priču. Ako fotografija, ilustracija, interpretacija glazbenog djela ne pričaju priču, onda nemaju smisla, niti, po mom mišljnju, dopiru do onog nježnog i osjetljivog dijela duše...

Ponekad su nam najočitije činjenice upravo one najskrivenije. I vrlo često ih otkrivamo nakon mnogo pitanja i dugih potraga...

Svoje lijepo djetinjstvo vežem uz figuru koja ga je svojim pričama oblikovala i učinila magičnim. Uz Pripovjedača. Uz mog djeda.

I tako, vraćajući se jučer sa seminara iz poduzetništva, kojeg sam odlučila pohađati, upitala sam se početno i najvažnije poduzetničko pitanje: koju vrijednost nudi moj proizvod? U ovom slučaju moje ilustracije i fotografije..Ne rješavaju nikakav problem, koji muči velik broj ljudi, a  što je isto tako bitan dio poduzetničkog procesa i formiranja proizvoda, kako smo jučer na seminaru saznali...

I odjednom shvatim: nude priču, bajku, maštu, čaroliju, sjećanje na djetinjstvo, kad smo vjerovali u magiju i kad su čuda bila moguća. To sve, za mene ne bi bilo moguće bez Pripovjedača, brižnog čuvara bajki i snova, čarobnjaka i zaštitnika, koji još dugo nakon što je otišao iz mog života i dalje vjerno vrši svoju dužnost. Mislim da nikad neće niti prestati.

I zato, deda, ova je za tebe!  :)


Giving the name to this blog and my on-line shop, I chose the title without too much thinking about it's meaning. The Storyteller. It seemed cool.

I admit, stories have always been essential part of my childhood. Later, they even became my creative motto. It doesn't matter weather your art is technically perfect (although it has to meet certain criteria of skillfulness). More important part is the one which tells the story. If a photograph, an illustration or an interpretation of a piece of music doesn't tell the story, then they make no sense, nor they reach that frail, delicate part of the soul.

Sometimes, the most obvious facts are exactley the most hidden ones and we discover them after many questions and long-term quests.

My beautiful childhood has always been closely related to the figure whose stories shaped a great deal of it and made it magical. To Storyteller. My grandfather.

So, coming back yesterday from enterpreneurship seminar I decided to attend,  I asked myself first and the most important enterpreneurial question: what value proposition my product offers? In this case, my products are my photos and illustrations. They don't solve the problem the large number of people has, which is also the essential part of enterpreneurial process and creation of the product, as we were told yesterday...

And suddenly, I realised: they offer a story, a fairytale, fantasy,   memories of childhood, when we belived in magic and when all the miracles seemed possible. All that, for me, couldn't be possible without Storyteller, caring keeper of fairytales and dreams. A magician and a guardian, who, long after he left my life, continues to faithfully perform his duty. And I don't think he'll ever stop.

So, this one is for you, grandpa!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Horse Whisperer

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There are some days when you feel great and some when you feel like nothing...This day started like the last one described, until I went for a bike ride in the early afternoon, when I spoted a drove of horses, just having their lunch in the beautiful flower meadows...And suddenly, my soul was singing. I was happy.


With my eyes and heart healed, I took a little part of this flowery field home with me...

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Tuesday, 3 May 2011

New items in my shop!

Available at Storyteller's shop

 I've added a few more angelic creatures in my shop, this being one of my favourite, so please, feel free to take a look here!

P.S. Za narudžbe iz Hrvatske, vrijede cijene u kunskoj protuvrijednosti i mogućnost plaćanja pouzećem. Za sve upite i narudžbe, slobodno me kontaktirajte na

Monday, 2 May 2011

My new stuff!

Finally, my long-awaited stuff came aaaall the way from New York City! So, I must share my complete and utter happiness and excitement because of my new Sigma 17-70 f2.8 lens and Wacom Intuos4 tablet! Can't wait to start using it, so beware of new and improved illustrations and photos of mine! ;)
It all came wrapped up in cute little green bag, which made my thrill even bigger! Well, and my cat's too....;)

Sunday, 1 May 2011

Labour Day

Unfortunately, this Labour Day falls on Sunday, so I didn't quite have that holiday feeling, but still..
My brother and I went on traditional bicycle tour, which was about 20km long (both ways) to sit by the river, eat traditional bean soup and rest our tired muscles, especially mine, which are not used to intensified efforts ;) My poor little speed-less city bike managed quite well through ups and downs. I expect it to fall apart suddenly, on a flat road, on my way to work tomorrow :)

My school brake is over, unfortunately, 10 beautiful days without a flute sound...Well, tomorrow, same old story..But summer hollidays are getting closer, thankfully!

Oh, yes, and we have an improvement here on my blog, I added a music widget, so you'll have a music bacground while reading these words! :)

These are a few photos I took today while cycling arround my town...