Monday, 21 February 2011

My Weekend Wonderings...

When ever the weather allows it,  I go off on my weekend wonderings,  usually in rural areas around my town, with camera around my neck, in a serach for old, abandoned places, since they have a lots of stories to tell...This is my latest haul, which I wouldn't have found if there hasn't been my boyfriend, who showed me this hidden old gem. It was a beautiful Sunday trip.

Old country house

Old country porch

Abandoned stable

Heart <3

Abandoned summer mansion

I was so happy to see hundreds of snowdrops, which means that spring is near, but today is snowing again :(


  1. Di je ovo slikano? i ova ljetna rezidencija?

  2. To je negdje oko Netretića..A ovaj ljetnikovac je, vjerovala ili ne, u Pokuplju, sigurno si milion puta prošla pokraj njega, a da uopće nisi znala za to, kao ni ja !:)
