Tuesday, 29 March 2011

Currently on the wishlist

While thinking how to improve my skills in photography and illustration and take it all a step further, I figured these are the two things essential to do it:

So, I'm working on to get it! :)

Speaking of work, this advertisment  for beauty salon that  I'm currently working on, is giving me a lot of headache..

But I hope I will work it out to everyone's satisfaction (both my client's and mine. Mine, mostly ;))
So, it will soon appear in the front of one of the buildings in my town..

Monday, 28 March 2011

In the time of crisis....

Lately, my creative juices just resist to flow easily. Or they are not flowing at all. I don't like this phase ( I don't know who does), it's a little uneasy for the ego and feeling of self-worthiness, but I know it's necessary so that the amplitude could start rising again...

Thankfully, the shy arrival of the spring and rays of sunshine, make all this a little less serious...:)

From a Sunday afternoon walk:


Sunday, 20 March 2011

Wuthering Heights

Few days ago, we went on a trip on a hill Japetić, famous spot for paraglider's take off. My friend, who is a paraglider, wanted to fly, but the wind wasn't appropriate for flying. So, we got ourselves just a beautiful trip and a visit to the magical small village nearby, which looked like it stepped out from a famous novel by Emily Brontë.
I expected Heathcliff and Cathy will appear any moment from somewhere..:)  I like to imagine there is some local couple like them, hiding in one of the old houses....:)

This gorgeous view is what you see when you open the door of one of the village houses

Sunday, 13 March 2011

Spring dreams

This is one of my old works, but I remade it. And as we're all waiting and dreaming of warm days to come...:)
Available in my new shop, ofcorse! ;)

Saturday, 12 March 2011

My shop!

Ta-daaaaah! I've finally open my shop on Da Wanda, a site for artists and crafters, an european version of Etsy!
So, welcome, I'll be very happy if you would stop by and take a look at my goodies and if you buy something, I'll be even happier !:)))

For now, there are only illustrations, but the photos are comming soon!

My shop

Tuesday, 8 March 2011


Today I went to see the children's masquerade. It made my day :)

An Artist

Pippi Longstocking
Jailhouse Rabbit
A Pirate
Sad Bride

Saturday, 5 March 2011

Currently on my mind & in my life...

...setting up things to finally open my shop on Da Wanda


 ...finishing the last one in the series of angels which will soon be available for sale...

...reading a novel about life devoted to music and her unusual connection with wolves, by famous French pianist Helene Grimaud

... started practising yoga and doing it quite regularly, suprisingly :)...


...following up news about anti-government protests in my country...


...eating well. In fact, too well ;)


...drinking lots of tea...


... of course, fighting power battles with my cat. Which I constantly loose :)

...and, desperately waiting for spring...